If you visit an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist for chronic issues related to your throat health, there is a chance the professional might say you need to undergo tonsil surgery. While this is a common surgery, knowing what to expect will help to ease your nerves in the days leading up to the surgery.

1. Some pain and discomfort

Immediately following tonsil surgery; there is a reasonable chance you are going to feel some pain and discomfort for the next week. This may make it difficult for you to eat anything other than soup and ice cream, but it is vital that you try to toughen the affected area in your throat as quickly as possible. That is why your ENT doctor will recommend a regular diet to accelerate treatment.

2. Fatigue

Most people who undergo tonsil surgery may experience fatigue for at least a week after the procedure. This can be due the healing process or the medication your doctor prescribes. This generally subsides after a week, but can be counteracted by eating your regular diet for energy. Talk with your doctor about taking time off of work if you experience extreme fatigue or discomfort.

3. White coating on throat

You will notice a white coating on your throat there your tonsils once were following surgery. That is like a scab and should disappear within a couple of weeks. You remove most of it yourself when you eat foods that scratch against the surface of your throat. So, don’t panic if you notice the white coating because it’s just another step of the healing process.

4. Trouble sleeping at night

You may experience some difficult sleeping at night in the days following the procedure. This is common because it can be uncomfortable to breathe through your mouth right after surgery. This should subside once the healing process begins.

Tonsil surgery is a very common procedure and shouldn’t cause any additional stress or alarm. Once your tonsils have been removed, you should experience fewer throat health problems. Remember to discuss any concerns you have with your ear, nose and throat doctor. They want you to feel comfortable and competent in their care, so they will be happy to answer any questions you have leading up to the procedure.