Vertigo is a medical term used to describe an internal and sudden off-balance and spinning sensation people feel even when they’re perfectly still. This usually happens when a person turns or moves their head too quickly. Besides other neurological factors contributing to it, inner ear-induced vertigo is the most common. Vertigo is not a condition or a disease but rather a symptom of an underlying issue.

Prescription medications

If a build-up of fluids in the inner ear causes vertigo, prescription medications are the first point of call. In this case, antibiotics or antihistamines are helpful. Sometimes, because nausea, and in some cases, vomiting, accompany vertigo, the ENT doctor may prescribe motion sickness medications to provide relief.

On the other hand, if it’s due to the labyrinth’s inflammation, the treatment procedure is different. With Labyrinthitis-induced vertigo, the ENT doctor will inject steroids directly behind the eardrum to provide relief, reduce inflammation and stop more swelling.

Balance rehabilitation

Balance rehabilitation is a combination of exercises and physical therapies to help restore balance. In every human ear, the cochlea is filled with a fluid called Endolymph, also known as Scarpa’s fluid. The cochlea has two main structures, which are:

  • Hearing system
  • Vestibular system

The vestibular system is the part responsible for maintaining balance within the body. However, when vertigo sets in, there’s a disconnect in this system, causing dizziness, an internal spinning sensation or an intense off-balance feeling. 

In some circles, balance rehabilitation is known as vestibular rehabilitation therapy. It usually involves exercises such as a guided movement of the head to either retrain or reactivate the vestibular system. The overall objective of these exercises is to equip the individual with measures to minimize the risk of falling and injuring themselves.

Diet and lifestyle

Suppose your vertigo was brought on by a medical condition known as Meniere’s disease, your ENT doctor will recommend a diet and lifestyle change. For example, smoking and high salt consumption are the first drastic changes they’ll ask you to make. With Meniere’s disease, continual intake of salt, tobacco and nicotine products exacerbate the condition. Hence, the need to stop them entirely.

Additionally, the ENT doctor will advise you to drink more water to stay hydrated. Tomato is an excellent source of potassium and is known to flush out excess bodily fluids. Also rich in antioxidants and other vital nutrients, it’s best to include tomato in your diet or increase its intake. Other lifestyle changes you’ll be required to make include:

  • Reducing your high sugar intake
  • Limiting or cutting out your caffeine consumption
  • Avoiding processed foods as much as you can

Epley maneuver

This treatment method is strictly used by medical professionals such as ENT doctors to treat vertigo symptoms. The purpose of this maneuver is mainly to re-adjust the ear canal’s calcium crystals. There are calcium deposits in the human ear, which develop in the form of arranged crystals.

Sometimes, however, they get displaced due to certain conditions such as diabetes, migraine and head injury. According to ENT specialists, it can even be a result of long periods of lying down. 

You should know that after the Epley, your ENT doctor will advise you against specific movements. For example:

  • Bending over too quickly
  • A back-and-forth tilting of the head
  • Lying down quickly; you now have to do so slowly

In effect, you should avoid any movement that can cause dislodgement of the calcium crystals in your ears at all costs.

Lastly, surgery is the ultimate resort when all other treatment methods do not seem to be working. Vertigo can only be treated if you report to the ENT doctor. Avoid seeking self-treatment when an ENT specialist hasn’t diagnosed the underlying cause of your dizzy spells. Remember that vertigo is a symptom of several conditions.

If you suspect you’re dealing with vertigo symptoms, Mountain Ear, Nose & Throat Associates are on hand to assist you. Please call us today at: Sylva: 828-586-7474, Franklin: 828-524-5599, Murphy: 828-835-1014, New Asheville: 828-458-8100, should you need professional help and feedback.