Snoring is one of the most common conditions that ENT doctors treat every day. There are plenty of solutions out there, from medications to nasal strips, and everything in between. If all the other treatments don’t work, then surgery will be suggested as a final recommendation.

While this may sound scary, snoring surgery is nothing to worry about. It’s often carried out in-house at your ear, nose and throat doctors medical practice, and it can cure snoring forever. If this is something you’re considering – or perhaps have already agreed to – then you may be wondering how you prepare for it. Bearing that in mind, here’s some advice you should take on board:

Avoid taking medication in the week before your procedure

There are many types of snoring surgery out there, and some involve treatments where incisions are made. As a result, there’s a risk of bleeding occurring, and this risk is heightened when you take common pain medications like ibuprofen or aspirin. Both of these things will thin the blood, which increases the chances of bleeding occurring at a rapid rate when you’re in surgery. To avoid this, and keep the surgical risks as low as can be, don’t take medication for a week before your appointment. It’s always suggested you consult your ear, nose and throat doctor to see which medications you should avoid.

Drink things that soothe your throat

It’s a good idea to drink things that are proven to help ease your throat. This is because you want to avoid issues like coughing during the surgery. Keeping your throat nice and lubricated will prevent it from feeling itchy or tickly, which results in coughing. Plus, the pain after your surgery will be much worse if you go into it with an already sore throat. So, this can help you recover better too.

If you smoke, stop smoking

Any smokers that are getting snoring surgery should stop smoking for a few days leading up to the treatment. Again, smoking leads to an increased chance of coughing during the surgery, which will ultimately lead to a higher risk of complications.

Get a good night’s sleep beforehand

It’s important that you’re well-rested and fresh before your surgery. This is yet another thing that will factor into you having a more peaceful recovery period after the procedure. Try your best to get more than eight hours sleep, so you’re fully refreshed and ready for the surgery.

Relax before you go into surgery

Finally, try and relax just before you’re due to have your surgery. Bring your family in with you so you can have a laugh and a joke to take your mind off of things. A lot of ear, nose and throat doctors recommended bringing a book to read while you wait, or something to listen to music on.

Your exact preparations will depend on the type of snoring surgery you’re having. However, these tips are good general pieces of advice to help you prepare for what lies ahead. Hopefully, this helps you feel less scared and gets you ready for your procedure.